Pacman Remake

Pacman - Remake

I developed this game under a tight deadline, focusing on efficiency without compromising quality. The ghosts use NavMesh for smooth, intelligent movement, while player controls leverage Unity’s new Input System, enhancing responsiveness and flexibility.

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Twinstick Shooter

The Twinstick Shooter project focuses on precision shooting mechanics, smooth player control, and dynamic enemy AI behavior. This project demonstrates my ability to create engaging gameplay loops and responsive combat mechanics, critical in game design and development.

Particle Effects

This project explores visually appealing particle effects using Unity’s Particle System. The implementation features complex visual effects like explosions, trails, and dynamic environmental reactions, demonstrating my attention to detail and creativity in graphics programming.

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Gravida Aliquam Penatibus

Discover how this project focuses on innovative gameplay mechanics and immersive design, ensuring player engagement and interaction.

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Sed Quis Rhoncus Placerat

Explore advanced gameplay solutions and optimized performance, contributing to seamless gaming experiences across platforms.

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Magna Laoreet et Aliquam

This project highlights cutting-edge visual design and refined user interaction, making it stand out in any portfolio of creative work.